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Calendar of Events

    • 22 Jan 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
    • Online

    Join us for a free panel presentation designed for universities and colleges seeking innovative ways to enhance campus wellness, support mental health, and foster community engagement through the transformative power of labyrinths. Organized by the Veriditas Higher Education Initiative, Wednesday, January 22nd at 9am (PST), this one hour webinar will offer practical resources for students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Discover sources for creating temporary and permanent labyrinth installations, funding strategies, drawing exercises, and ways to integrate labyrinths into campus life. Presenters Jan Sellers, Melissa Powers, and Lars Howlett will introduce key resources such as Veriditas’ youtube channel, The Labyrinth Society's interactive bibliography, and books, online indexes, and research topics that can help your institution promote mindfulness, reduce stress, and build stronger campus communities. 

    Enroll for free to join the Zoom Webinar live or receive a link to the resources and recording to watch at your own time and pace. This event is offered through the Veriditas Labyrinths in Higher Education Initiative in collaboration with the Labyrinth Society.

    • 25 Jan 2025
    • 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
    • Online

    The creation of a labyrinth begins at its center, where a point of inception is chosen, grounding the design in time and space. From the moment of conception, the journey unfolds through imagination and intention. We form a compass, orbiting the origin and shaping the circuits that engage our environment and form a pattern of perspectives. The outer circle creates the container, establishing the sacredness of the space and defining its domain.

    Orientation is key— directing the entryway and determining what will be faced in the middle. A simple string will guide both the entrance path and the one that leads to center. A perpendicular line calls in the four directions, becoming an axis mundi connecting heaven and earth. Smaller arcs drawn from the line ends yield 180 degree turns, giving the walk rhythm and balance. At the center rosette, sacred geometry infuses the design with symbolism, while the perimeter lunations radiate a field of energy. The archetype is awakened, and the journey is yours.

    In this workshop, we will discover the universal patterns and symbolism woven into the design and experience of the labyrinth. Participants will learn to easily draw a 5-Circuit Chartres Variation, using it as a map, mirror, and mandala for exploring the metaphors of life. The labyrinth can help us better understand our life journey as we return to our center and the source of creation. Together, we will reflect on our orientation, perspectives, and connection with the universe, using the labyrinth to behold our personal cosmology.  Through drawing, tracing, and walking labyrinths, we can find our role in the evolving universe. 

    “Symbols enable us to enter into experiences that are otherwise impossible.”

     – Brian Thomas Swimme

    Lars Howlett, Faculty

    Lars Howlett builds, walks, and photographs labyrinths as a practice in mindfulness. He is a Veriditas Faculty Member and Certified Advanced Labyrinth Facilitator having trained with the leader of the labyrinth movement, Lauren Artress, at at Grace and Chartres Cathedrals. For three years he was the apprentice to Master Builder Robert Ferre, learning the art of sacred geometry and his methods of creating proportional and precise Classical and Medieval patterns. In 2015 he launched Discover Labyrinths LLC based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Lars inherited his mentor’s custom tools, labyrinth library, and workshop curriculum. In 2017 Lars was named a Master Builder by contemporaries in his field.

    Now leading a new generation in designing and building labyrinths, Lars works hand-in-hand with individuals and institutions. In workshops, writing, and tours, he shares his experiments and experiences. He has been an invited speaker at schools, retreat centers, art museums, and at Grace Cathedral, as well as the 2011-16 conferences of the Labyrinth Society (TLS). He is a member of the Wisdom Circle of TLS, serving as a board member from 2014-17 and was the coordinator for World Labyrinth Day from 2014-18, a global event with more than 5,000 participants in 30+ countries on the first Saturday in May. In 2021 he became a part-time staff member of Veriditas as the webinar coordinator, social media manager and resource developer.

    • 27 Jan 2025
    • 2:00 PM
    • 31 Jan 2025
    • 5:30 PM
    • Online
    • 8

    The Virtual Facilitator Training, led by the Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress, will be held online Monday through Friday each afternoon from 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm pacific time. We will mail you the Facilitator Training manual so you will have it to follow along with in the class. There will be plenty of time for questions along with the didactic material. Programs will be held on Zoom and you will be sent the link to join once you register.

    The goal of Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator Training is to prepare people to introduce others to the labyrinth in an articulate, professional and effective way.The training addresses meditative walking in a variety of settings, with a variety of different populations. It is focused primarily on the Eleven Circuit Medieval Labyrinth but is inclusive of all forms.

    Walking the labyrinth is being embraced as a spiritual practice throughout the Western world mostly because of Veriditas trained facilitators. The Veriditas Facilitator Training -- which began in 1997 -- remains the most rigorous and comprehensive training offered. 

    How to know if Facilitator Training is right for you?

    • Want to deepen your own labyrinth practice?
    • Want the tools and guidance that will enable you to bring the labyrinth to your community?
    • Want to connect with a supportive community of Labyrinth Facilitators around the world?
    • Find yourself heading up a labyrinth program at your church, school, hospital, college etc. and need broad training and/or specific answers?
    • Considering offering labyrinth walking as part of your healing, counseling, yoga or  coaching business and are curious about the business considerations involved?
    • Love the labyrinth and want to offer workshops of your own? Consider completing Facilitator Training on the path to becoming Certified, Advance Trained and Accredited. Our Veriditas Accredited Presenters are now offering some of our qualifying workshops.

    We encourage you to join us! 

    Please note: prior attendance at a Veriditas qualifying workshop is required. The online workshop prior to this training considered a qualifying workshop.

    Learn more about becoming a Veriditas Trained Facilitator.

    Payment plans are available - please select that option when you register.

    The Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress

    Lauren is the grandmother of the modern day Labyrinth movement and is the Founder of Veriditas. She is the author of: Walking a Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Tool (Putnam/Riverhead Books, New York), 
    The Sand Labyrinth Kit, (Tuttle Publishers), The Sacred Path Companion: A Guide to Walking the Labyrinth to Heal and Transform (Riverhead, 2006) and most recently, The Path of the Holy Fool: How the Labyrinth Ignites Our Visionary Powers (Rose Petal Press, 2020). In May of 2006, Lauren's rediscovery of the labyrinth was honored by Grace Cathedral and she was designated Honorary Canon, a lifetime title. 

    • 01 Feb 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, 500 Robinson Road Sebastopol, CA 95472

    A Labyrinth and SoulCollage® workshop to honor this potent time of year known as Imbolc, Candlemas, or Brigid’s Day. In community, experience the potency of the Labyrinth and SoulCollage®, two contemplative practices that offer an opportunity for reflection. As we cross the threshold between Winter and Spring, this workshop invites us to deepen and ground intentions for the coming season.

    All materials and snacks provided.

    Please bring a sack lunch and a journal, and wear layers.  Weather permitting, we will have an outdoor labyrinth walk. 

    Workshop fee: $100

    This is a Veriditas Approved Qualifying Workshop for those seeking to attend Facilitator Training.

    Please click here to register.

    • 07 Feb 2025
    • 7:00 PM
    • 08 Feb 2025
    • 11:00 AM
    • Grace Cathedral, San Francisco

    Join us in the beauty of Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, California  for the 37th annual Women’s Dream Quest as we explore the theme of Dreaming Equanimity.  In these challenging times, it is more important than ever to find our serenity, provide solace for our beloveds and generate peace for our world.  

    Judith Tripp

    Judith Tripp, MA MFT,  is a transpersonal psychotherapist, pilgrimage leader and musician.  She is on the Veriditas faculty and teaches at Chartres Cathedral.  She has led the Women’s Dream Quest at Grace Cathedral for 37 years as well as other venues all over the world.    She also  leads pilgrimages to Iona, Portugal and Avalon.  Judith has created the  musical offerings HomageReturn Again, and To Bless the Walk and authored the Book: Circleway, The Story of the Women’s Dream Quest.  More information on  

    • 22 Feb 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Online

    The Veriditas Council invites you to join us for the 2025 Virtual Facilitator Renewal Day - a transformative workshop titled Coming Full Circle and centered around the themes of renewal and interconnectedness. This event, geared particularly toward Veriditas-trained labyrinth facilitators, emphasizes the cyclic nature of life, highlighting ways our social interactions and personal experiences reflect the larger patterns of nature we encounter in our work as facilitators on the labyrinth path.

    Participants will engage in creative and reflective practices that serve as intuitive catalysts for personal growth and understanding. Through these activities, we will explore the universal symbols, patterns, and rhythms that encourage our journeys toward completion and wholeness. The event will begin with a special visit from our founder Lauren Artress who will be leading our walk.

    Join us for a day dedicated to refreshing our minds, nourishing our labyrinth work, and replenishing our souls as we Come Full Circle.

    Registration is required for this enriching experience. Please register early. A portion of the registration proceeds support the Scholarship Fund for the ongoing outreach of Veriditas.

    Please click here to read the Council Biographical Sketches

    • 24 Feb 2025
    • 2:00 PM
    • 28 Feb 2025
    • 5:30 PM
    • Online
    • 12


    2:00 pm to 5:30 pm each day Pacific time – 5 sessions of 3.5 hours each. Must be present for all sessions. Held on Zoom platform.

    Our Advanced Facilitator Training is a leadership and skill-building workshop for Veriditas Facilitators with at least two years of experience facilitating labyrinth activities. Open only to those Veriditas trained facilitators who have been certified (or have turned in an application to be certified). You will receive the latest Facilitator Training Manual.  After training, you will be eligible to apply for accreditation to hold Veriditas qualifying workshops. 

    This is a 15 hour intensive virtual training that covers:

    • The Art of Story Telling and the use of storytelling in teaching
    • Enhancing Skills used in processing a labyrinth walk
    • Giving your basic presentations for group feedback
    • Holding presence and what that means to labyrinth facilitation
    • Working virtually with finger labyrinths
    • And much more.

    The Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress

    Lauren is author of Walking a Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Practice, The Sand Labyrinth Kit and The Sacred Path Companion: A Guide to Walking the Labyrinth to Heal and Transform (Putnam/Riverhead Books, New York). She is the Founder of Veriditas and an Honorary Canon of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco.  She travels worldwide offering workshops and lectures on the labyrinth including a twice a year program in Chartres, France. In addition to being an Episcopal priest, she is a spiritual director and licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of California.

    Assisted by Dr. Dawn Matheny

    Executive Director of Veriditas

    Dawn became Veriditas’ Executive Director in 2007.  She has her PhD in East West Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies, 23 years of experience in a public sector Human Resource Department, and many years of experience working in a non-profit organization.  She has taught on the graduate level and amassed many years of designing and assisting with Veriditas programs around the world.  

    • 15 Mar 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Online
    • 29

    Lured by the wisdom teachings of the River, this online retreat honors the sacredness and evolution of rivers and our shared synchronicities of life phases mirrored on the labyrinth. Rivers beckon us to acknowledge the ever-changing tidal rhythm of our lives - rising and releasing, swirling and calming, healing, renewing, purifying as well as destroying. In this new year, do you find yourself spilling out of boundaries or embracing the comfort of the edges? Recent natural disasters lead us to ask questions about the dominance of nature, our fear of losing control, the necessity of hope, and our innate desire to gather in supportive community. Certainly, meanderings and turns give way to mystery, curiosity and vulnerability.

    In the Celtic tradition, spirit-inhabited rivers are celebrated as sacred and vital living beings to be nurtured. Celebrating the Celtic imagination, this Veriditas-sponsored retreat feeds that meandering path through the many arts of river songs, poetry, mandala-making, journaling, rituals and symbology that embrace the constancy of ever-changing life cycles. The labyrinth, in its circle of wholeness, is the perfect archetype for celebrating the River, its synchronicities and the powerful movement of water reflected through the layers of our lives.

    What river songs flow in your heart? How are the images of river life phases manifested through the arts and embodied on the labyrinth quadrants? Do you trust those beckoning curves on your life path? What gifts emerge from the river near you? How can the river reflect who we are and encourage our river activism?

    This is a Veriditas Qualifying Workshop for those who wish to take the Facilitator Training.

    Barrie Carter Gibby:

    A long-time educator, writer and avid traveler, Barrie interweaves her background in design, music, theater production and ritual-making to facilitate labyrinth workshops across the nation on a variety of themes. Her many pilgrimages to the 13th c. Chartres Cathedral labyrinth and others worldwide have guided her passion for the layers of symbology, cultural understanding and synchronicities in her labyrinth work. As an Advanced Certified Facilitator and on faculty at Veriditas, Barrie finds sacred spaces everywhere.

    Lynn Karegeannes:

    Lynn Karegeannes is a native of South Carolina. She completed her undergraduate degree in art history at Rice University and then her Master’s, also in art history, at the University of Texas, Austin. After a short time working in arts education, she returned to South Carolina to complete her second Master’s degree in Library and Information Science. She worked in the New York Public Library system and then returned to the Southeast with her husband to raise their children in Asheville, North Carolina. In Asheville she has devoted her time to professional and volunteer work with organizations centered on issues relevant to women and the arts. Lynn first learned about labyrinths through Lauren Artress’ book, Walking a Sacred Path. Lynn’s interest in and experience with labyrinths has grown over the years. She currently works as an artist, and expressive arts and labyrinth facilitator through her business, Full Life Arts. Her website is at

    • 21 Mar 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Grace Cathedral, San Francisco

    Join us for an uplifting evening of reflection, walking meditation, and soul-stirring music to celebrate the Spring Equinox with a candlelit labyrinth walk. This is rare opportunity to walk the labyrinths to the sublime soundscape in the majestic beauty of Grace Cathedral. Live music will be provided by Jennifer Berezan, Jami Sieber and Agu.

    Hosted by Lauren Artress and Veriditas music begins at 6 PM, opening comments at 6:15; both indoor and outdoor labyrinths will be open; the evening ends at 9 PM with tickets offered on a sliding scale here.

    Grace Cathedral, 1100 California Street, San Francisco 94108. Public Transportation Advised.

    Veriditas is a 501c3 non-profit educational organization. If you would like to make an additional contribution to support future labyrinth walks, workshops, pilgrimages, and events please support our mission at :

    Jennifer Berezan is a unique blend of singer/ songwriter, teacher. Her lifelong involvement in environmental, women’s, and other justice movements as well as an interest in Buddhism and earth-based spirituality are at the heart of her writing. Berezan’s ground-breaking work as a recording artist and teacher has established her as a leading voice in the field of music and healing. She is an acclaimed producer of large scale multi-cultural ecstatic musical events. She teaches at the California Institute of Integral Studies in the Department of Philosophy and Religion.

    Electric cellist and vocalist Jami Sieber reaches inside the soul with compositions that are contemporary, timeless, lush, and powerfully evocative. Her style of performance has been recognized internationally. An innovative musician, Jami’s music moves beyond the surface, seeking and re-seeking her truth by creating musical bridges and connections, committed to doing what moves her and inspiring listeners with her honesty, musical prowess, and humanity.

    Agu worked as an educator in the public schools for over 30 years. She began using singing bowls with her students to center and ground. Since leaving teaching, she plays for ceremonies, storytelling events, healing sessions, workshops, and public-school settings. Agu’s recording REACH IN is available online.

    • 24 Mar 2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 28 Mar 2025
    • 12:30 PM
    • Online
    • 20

    The Virtual Facilitator Training, led by the Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress, will be held online Monday through Friday each morning from 9:00 am - 12:30 pm pacific time. We will mail you the Facilitator Training manual so you will have it to follow along with in the class. There will be plenty of time for questions along with the didactic material. Programs will be held on Zoom and you will be sent the link to join once you register.

    The goal of Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator Training is to prepare people to introduce others to the labyrinth in an articulate, professional and effective way.The training addresses meditative walking in a variety of settings, with a variety of different populations. It is focused primarily on the Eleven Circuit Medieval Labyrinth but is inclusive of all forms.

    Walking the labyrinth is being embraced as a spiritual practice throughout the Western world mostly because of Veriditas trained facilitators. The Veriditas Facilitator Training -- which began in 1997 -- remains the most rigorous and comprehensive training offered. 

    How to know if Facilitator Training is right for you?

    • Want to deepen your own labyrinth practice?
    • Want the tools and guidance that will enable you to bring the labyrinth to your community?
    • Want to connect with a supportive community of Labyrinth Facilitators around the world?
    • Find yourself heading up a labyrinth program at your church, school, hospital, college etc. and need broad training and/or specific answers?
    • Considering offering labyrinth walking as part of your healing, counseling, yoga or  coaching business and are curious about the business considerations involved?
    • Love the labyrinth and want to offer workshops of your own? Consider completing Facilitator Training on the path to becoming Certified, Advance Trained and Accredited. Our Veriditas Accredited Presenters are now offering some of our qualifying workshops.

    We encourage you to join us! 

    Please note: prior attendance at a Veriditas qualifying workshop is required. The online workshop prior to this training considered a qualifying workshop.

    Learn more about becoming a Veriditas Trained Facilitator.

    Payment plans are available - please select that option when you register.

    The Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress

    Lauren is the grandmother of the modern day Labyrinth movement and is the Founder of Veriditas. She is the author of: Walking a Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Tool (Putnam/Riverhead Books, New York), 
    The Sand Labyrinth Kit, (Tuttle Publishers), The Sacred Path Companion: A Guide to Walking the Labyrinth to Heal and Transform (Riverhead, 2006) and most recently, The Path of the Holy Fool: How the Labyrinth Ignites Our Visionary Powers (Rose Petal Press, 2020). In May of 2006, Lauren's rediscovery of the labyrinth was honored by Grace Cathedral and she was designated Honorary Canon, a lifetime title. 

    • 30 Mar 2025
    • 3:00 PM
    • 03 Apr 2025
    • 1:00 PM
    • St Francis Springs Prayer Center, 477 Grogan Road, Stoneville NC 27048

    In this five day, four night contemplative retreat, we will be exploring the Archetypes of the Circle, the Spiral and the Labyrinth with paint, paper and pattern. We will be using these archetypes in a visual journal to find our rhythm as we slow down and engage with these patterns. 

    We will walk both the eleven circuit medieval labyrinth and the five circuit classical labyrinth at the retreat center, and use our creative practices as pathways for integrating our labyrinth walks.

    In addition, we will create a set of Spirit Stones using images and words. You could also call these stones Alchemy Stones, Symbol Stones, Vision Stones, Story Stones … they are a meaningful way to bring metaphor and symbols into a labyrinth walk. 

    Click here for more information and registration

    Catherine Anderson, Faculty

    The labyrinth Catherine constructed in her backyard in 2007 has been an important element in her mindfulness and creativity practices and Catherine loves showing others how the labyrinth can support us in quietening our mind and uncover our creativity. She is the author of Journaling the Labyrinth Path, a book of finger labyrinths, quotes and journal prompts inspiring you to find your unique work in the world, and Meeting Your Soul on the Labyrinth: SoulCollage® and the Labyrinth as Pathways for Transformation.

    Catherine uses the labyrinth, SoulCollage®, expressive arts, poetry and mindfulness as pathways for self-discovery and as ways of uncovering meaning and purpose in life. Her personal journey of self-discovery has taken her from a career as an attorney to photography-franchise owner, to creativity-workshop facilitator.

    Photography is another creative passion for Catherine and her book The Creative Photographer won a Silver Nautilus Award in the Creative Process Category in 2012.  As a SoulCollage® Facilitator Trainer, Catherine loves teaching others how to facilitate workshops using the SoulCollage® process which uses images as a form of “soul language” to access our inner wisdom.

    As a life-long learner, Catherine has been fortunate to train with Jean Houston, Seena Frost, Lauren Artress, Jan Phillips and many other wise teachers. In addition to her work in the US, Catherine leads creative pilgrimage retreats in South Africa, France, Italy, Mexico and Portugal.

    • 12 Apr 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Online

    SAVE THE DATE! More information coming soon.

    Laura Esculcas, Faculty

    With passion for myth and metaphor, Laura curates wisdom journeys and immersion experiences in Portugal’s mystical landscape. Laura is co-founder of EarthShamans, a SoulCollage® facilitator, and teaches Energetics of Art with Ubiquity University Wisdom School. She is trained in Sacred Landscapes, Intuitive Feng Shui, and the Personessence™ System of Understanding People. Laura holds both an M.A. in Wisdom Studies and a B.S. in Chemical Engineering.

    Originally from the US and having worked in Silicon Valley for over ten years in high tech operations and management, Laura moved to Portugal to pursue her dream of an integrated life lived as a sacred journey shared with others. Now informed by more than ten years of immersion in the Portugal ecofield, Laura uniquely blends depth of experience, keen curiosity, and genuine open-heartedness as she facilitates wisdom journeys and pilgrimage experiences into Portugal's place-based myths.

    Laura first met the labyrinth in 2001, on an Advent Quiet Day in Santa Cruz, California. Since that day, Laura has been a Labyrinth Enthusiast. She has served with Veriditas as a small group facilitator in Chartres, and teaches qualifying workshops and Labyrinth Facilitator Training in Europe.

    Laura speaks English and Portuguese and lives near Lisbon with her husband and son, and their two dogs.

    • 03 May 2025
    • 10:00 AM
    • Online

    Every year on the first Saturday in May thousands of people around the globe participate in World Labyrinth Day as a moving meditation for world peace and celebration of the labyrinth experience. Many “Walk as One at 1” local time to create a rolling wave of peaceful energy passing from one time zone to the next. 
    Join the Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress for a free Handheld Finger Labyrinth Walk in celebration of World Labyrinth Day. 

    • 10 May 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Online
    • 18

    SAVE THE DATE! More information coming soon!

    Susan Borkin, PhD, is a psychotherapist and speaker based in the San Francisco Bay Area. A pioneer in the field of writing therapy, she is the author (or contributing author) to six books on journaling. She is an advanced facilitator and member of the Veriditas faculty. 

    • 12 May 2025
    • 2:00 PM
    • 16 May 2025
    • 5:30 PM
    • Online
    • 14

    The Virtual Facilitator Training, led by the Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress, will be held online Sunday through Thursday each afternoon from 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm pacific time. We will mail you the Facilitator Training manual so you will have it to follow along with in the class. There will be plenty of time for questions along with the didactic material. Programs will be held on Zoom and you will be sent the link to join once you register.

    The goal of Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator Training is to prepare people to introduce others to the labyrinth in an articulate, professional and effective way.The training addresses meditative walking in a variety of settings, with a variety of different populations. It is focused primarily on the Eleven Circuit Medieval Labyrinth but is inclusive of all forms.

    Walking the labyrinth is being embraced as a spiritual practice throughout the Western world mostly because of Veriditas trained facilitators. The Veriditas Facilitator Training -- which began in 1997 -- remains the most rigorous and comprehensive training offered. 

    How to know if Facilitator Training is right for you?

    • Want to deepen your own labyrinth practice?
    • Want the tools and guidance that will enable you to bring the labyrinth to your community?
    • Want to connect with a supportive community of Labyrinth Facilitators around the world?
    • Find yourself heading up a labyrinth program at your church, school, hospital, college etc. and need broad training and/or specific answers?
    • Considering offering labyrinth walking as part of your healing, counseling, yoga or  coaching business and are curious about the business considerations involved?
    • Love the labyrinth and want to offer workshops of your own? Consider completing Facilitator Training on the path to becoming Certified, Advance Trained and Accredited. Our Veriditas Accredited Presenters are now offering some of our qualifying workshops.

    We encourage you to join us! 

    Please note: prior attendance at a Veriditas qualifying workshop is required. The online workshop prior to this training considered a qualifying workshop.

    Learn more about becoming a Veriditas Trained Facilitator.

    Payment plans are available - please select that option when you register.

    The Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress

    Lauren is the grandmother of the modern day Labyrinth movement and is the Founder of Veriditas. She is the author of: Walking a Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Tool (Putnam/Riverhead Books, New York), 
    The Sand Labyrinth Kit, (Tuttle Publishers), The Sacred Path Companion: A Guide to Walking the Labyrinth to Heal and Transform (Riverhead, 2006) and most recently, The Path of the Holy Fool: How the Labyrinth Ignites Our Visionary Powers (Rose Petal Press, 2020). In May of 2006, Lauren's rediscovery of the labyrinth was honored by Grace Cathedral and she was designated Honorary Canon, a lifetime title. 

    • 02 Jun 2025
    • 4:00 PM
    • 06 Jun 2025
    • 10:00 PM
    • Chartres, France
    • 26

    SAVE THE DATE! More information coming soon,

    Diana Butler Bass

    Diana Butler Bass, Ph.D., is an award-winning author, popular speaker, inspiring preacher, and one of America’s most trusted commentators on religion and contemporary spirituality.

    Diana’s passion is sharing great ideas to change lives and the world – a passion that ranges from informing the public about spiritual trends, challenging conventional narratives about religious practice, entering the fray of social media with spiritual wisdom and smart theology, and writing books to help readers see themselves, their place in history, and God differently. She does this with

    intelligence, joy, and a good dose of humor, leading well-known comedian John Fugelsang to dub her “iconic,” the late Marcus Borg to call her “spontaneous and always surprising,” and Glennon Doyle to praise her “razor-sharp mind” and “mystical heart.”

    She holds a doctorate in religious studies from Duke University and is the author of eleven books. Her bylines include The New York Times, the Washington Post,,, USA Today, Huffington Post, Spirituality and Health, Reader's Digest, Christian Century, and Sojourners. She has commented on religion, politics, and culture in the media widely including on CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, CBC, FOX, Sirius XM, TIME, Newsweek, Rolling Stone, and in multiple global news outlets. In the 1990s, she wrote a weekly column on religion and culture for the Santa Barbara News-Press, which was distributed nationally by the New York Times Syndicate.

    Her work has received two Wilbur Awards for best nonfiction book of the year, awards from Religion News Association for individual commentary and for Book of the Year, Nautilus Awards Silver and Gold medals, the Illumination Book Award Silver medal, Books for a Better Life Award, Book of the Year of the Academy of Parish Clergy, the Frank S. and Elizabeth D. Brewer Prize for Church History, Substack Fellowship for Independent Writers, multiple nominations for the Library of Virginia Literary Awards, and Publishers Weekly’s Best Religion Book of the Year.

    She and her husband live in Alexandria, Virginia, with their dog and their sometimes-successful backyard garden.

    You can follow her online at, her public author page on Facebook, and Twitter @dianabutlerbass, or her newsletter, ”The Cottage” at

    The Chartres Experience

    What better place to feel nurtured than the sacred space of Chartres Cathedral? We begin with a reception to meet each other followed by an opening ritual and orientation to the program. Then each day, there is a morning seminar, a small processing group, and an experience of what Chartres has to offer. On Tuesday afternoon, there is a tour of Chartres Cathedral. Then, on Wednesday, there is an orientation to the labyrinth followed by a once in a life-time candlelit labyrinth walk with medieval music on the Chartres Labyrinth.  Thursday afternoon is a tour of the Crypt , and a closing celebratory reception and dinner are on Friday.

    Cancellation Policy

    We understand that life happens! When things don’t go as you planned, Veriditas has policies in place so that you always know what to expect should you have to cancel an event. Please read our updated cancellation policy here.

    • 07 Jun 2025
    • 10:30 AM
    • 08 Jun 2025
    • 4:30 PM
    • Hotellerie St. Yves, Chartres, France
    • 20

    Led by Judith Tripp, MA, MFT, a member of the Veriditas Faculty, a transpersonal psychotherapist, leader of Women's Dream Quest, and teacher.  She leads pilgrimages and retreats in the US, Europe and Australia.  She is also an author, a musician and singer.

    Anyone who comes to Chartres whether it be to visit the labyrinth, to explore the magnificent medieval architecture or to meditate in the glory of this always sacred site, soon realizes that this holy place is an homage to Mary. The Sacred Feminine is alive and well in Chartres and has been throughout history.

    We will create a sacred circle to explore how Mary has been honored in Chartres throughout history. We will meet her spirit through lecture, meditation, art, music and ritual. We will share insights, creations and stories. Includes one special evening labyrinth walk in Chartres Cathedral. 

    This can be a stand-alone workshop or a perfect pairing with to Cycle One of Walking A Sacred Path. No meals are included.

    • 09 Jun 2025
    • 10:00 AM
    • 10 Jun 2025
    • 6:00 PM
    • Hotellerie St. Yves, Chartres, France
    • 16

    The goal of Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator Training is to prepare people to introduce others to the labyrinth in an articulate, professional and effective way.The training addresses meditative walking in a variety of settings, with a variety of different populations. It is focused primarily on the Eleven Circuit Medieval Labyrinth but is inclusive of all forms.

    Walking the labyrinth is being embraced as a spiritual practice throughout the Western world mostly because of Veriditas trained facilitators. The Veriditas Facilitator Training -- which began in 1997 -- remains the most rigorous and comprehensive training offered. 

    How to know if Facilitator Training is right for you?

    • Want to deepen your own labyrinth practice?
    • Want the tools and guidance that will enable you to bring the labyrinth to your community?
    • Want to connect with a supportive community of Labyrinth Facilitators around the world?
    • Find yourself heading up a labyrinth program at your church, school, hospital, college etc. and need broad training and/or specific answers?
    • Considering offering labyrinth walking as part of your healing, counseling, yoga or  coaching business and are curious about the business considerations involved?
    • Love the labyrinth and want to offer workshops of your own? Consider completing Facilitator Training on the path to becoming Certified, Advance Trained and Accredited. Our Veriditas Accredited Presenters are now offering some of our qualifying workshops.

    We encourage you to join us! 

    Please note: prior attendance at a Veriditas qualifying workshop is required. The Pilgrimage prior to this training in Chartres is considered a qualifying workshop.

    Learn more about becoming a Veriditas Trained Facilitator.


    You will receive a link to book your accommodation at the Hotellerie St. Yves once your registration has been completed.

    • 11 Jun 2025
    • 10:00 AM
    • 13 Jun 2025
    • 5:30 PM
    • Hotellerie St. Yves, 3 Rue Acacias, Chartres, France
    • 15


    Our Advanced Facilitator Training is a leadership and skill-building workshop for Veriditas Facilitators with at least two years of experience facilitating labyrinth activities. Open only to those Veriditas trained facilitators who have been certified (or have turned in an application to be certified). You will receive the latest Facilitator Training Manual.  After training, you will be eligible to apply for accreditation to hold Veriditas qualifying workshops. 

    This is a 15 hour intensive virtual training that covers:

    • The Art of Story Telling and the use of storytelling in teaching
    • Enhancing Skills used in processing a labyrinth walk
    • Giving your basic presentations for group feedback
    • Holding presence and what that means to labyrinth facilitation
    • Working virtually with finger labyrinths
    • And much more.

    The Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress

    Lauren is author of Walking a Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Practice, The Sand Labyrinth Kit and The Sacred Path Companion: A Guide to Walking the Labyrinth to Heal and Transform (Putnam/Riverhead Books, New York). She is the Founder of Veriditas and an Honorary Canon of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco.  She travels worldwide offering workshops and lectures on the labyrinth including a twice a year program in Chartres, France. In addition to being an Episcopal priest, she is a spiritual director and licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of California.

    Assisted by Dr. Dawn Matheny

    Executive Director of Veriditas

    Dawn became Veriditas’ Executive Director in 2007.  She has her PhD in East West Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies, 23 years of experience in a public sector Human Resource Department, and many years of experience working in a non-profit organization.  She has taught on the graduate level and amassed many years of designing and assisting with Veriditas programs around the world.  

    • 21 Jun 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Online
    • 30
    SAVE THE DATE! More information coming soon.

    Dr. Robin B. Dilley brings over 35 years of experience to the table as an Arizona Licensed psychologist, author, and workshop facilitator. She has been an Advanced Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator since 2015 and recently became a Veriditas Faculty member. 

    Since learning about the Labyrinth in 1992, Robin has drawn on her background in Experiential Family Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, and Jungian Theory to develop an active Labyrinth practice. She incorporates the Labyrinth into her work with clients in several ways. She explores its use as an ancient archetypal symbol for guidance and personal insight. Additionally, she teaches clients to use the Labyrinth as a tool for mindfulness and anxiety management, empowering them to use it for relaxation and stress reduction.

    Now, through her newest endeavor, Arizona Labyrinth Connections, an extension of her psychotherapy and spiritual consulting practice, Dr. Dilley leads well-designed transformative workshops which include storytelling, journal writing, and a labyrinth experience.  She creates workshops regularly and has two signature workshops, “Lessons from The Yellow Brick Road” and “Lessons from The Miller’s Daughter.”

    Robin is available to create a workshop for your group or individual consulting to enhance your life’s journey. She also publishes a regular newsletter, Continue Your Journey.

    Robin lives happily with her spouse of 28 years, Pam Smead. They enjoy cruising, walking, reading, and exploring life together.  Don't hesitate to get in touch with Robin at to learn more.

    • 16 Nov 2025
    • 3:00 PM
    • 20 Nov 2025
    • 1:00 PM
    • St Francis Springs Prayer Center, 477 Grogan Road, Stoneville NC 27048

    The waves of the ocean breathe with their natural rhythms of ebb and flow, of flowing forward, letting go and returning to source . How can we honor our own unique natural rhythm? How can we find a balance between inner and outer nourishment?

    In this retreat we will explore these questions, using SoulCollage® and the Labyrinth to deepen our understanding of the natural rhythms around us, and to explore ways to create flow and ease in our daily lives as we consider living in a more cyclical way.

    Our activities will include:

    • Creating a Moon Mandala to better understand the phases of the moon
    • Creating SoulCollage® cards to express the messages in each moon phases
    • Connecting to our inner wisdom and intuition by dialoguing with our SoulCollage® cards
    • Labyrinth walks to integrate and deepen the messages of our SoulCollage® cards.
    More information and registration here

    Catherine Anderson, Faculty

    The labyrinth Catherine constructed in her backyard in 2007 has been an important element in her mindfulness and creativity practices and Catherine loves showing others how the labyrinth can support us in quietening our mind and uncover our creativity. She is the author of Journaling the Labyrinth Path, a book of finger labyrinths, quotes and journal prompts inspiring you to find your unique work in the world, and Meeting Your Soul on the Labyrinth: SoulCollage® and the Labyrinth as Pathways for Transformation.

    Catherine uses the labyrinth, SoulCollage®, expressive arts, poetry and mindfulness as pathways for self-discovery and as ways of uncovering meaning and purpose in life. Her personal journey of self-discovery has taken her from a career as an attorney to photography-franchise owner, to creativity-workshop facilitator.

    Photography is another creative passion for Catherine and her book The Creative Photographer won a Silver Nautilus Award in the Creative Process Category in 2012.  As a SoulCollage® Facilitator Trainer, Catherine loves teaching others how to facilitate workshops using the SoulCollage® process which uses images as a form of “soul language” to access our inner wisdom.

    As a life-long learner, Catherine has been fortunate to train with Jean Houston, Seena Frost, Lauren Artress, Jan Phillips and many other wise teachers. In addition to her work in the US, Catherine leads creative pilgrimage retreats in South Africa, France, Italy, Mexico and Portugal.

101 H Street, Suite D, Petaluma, CA 94952   |   Phone 707-283-0373    |

Veriditas is dedicated to inspiring personal and planetary change and renewal through the labyrinth experience.

We accomplish our mission by training and supporting labyrinth facilitators around the world, and offering meaningful events that promote further understanding of the labyrinth as a tool for personal and community transformation. Our Vision is that the labyrinth experience guides us in developing the higher level of human awareness we need to thrive in the 21st century.

Veriditas is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations made are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. EIN 94-3229902

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