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Walking as Pilgrim of Earth: A Contemplative Day with Veriditas Faculty, Sue Thomas

  • 05 Jul 2024
  • 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM
  • Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre 267 Wellington St Ormiston, Qld 4160

When things
get too much
I go walkabout.
Bush helps me
work it out.
I come back
when it feels right.

(Elder of Aranda Tribe)

If you are new to labyrinths, or if you have had experience with walking labyrinths, this quiet day offers opportunities to walk the labyrinth as pilgrimage and depth the invitations offered as we walk as pilgrims of Earth.

Spacious time will be offered to walk in Creation in the beautiful grounds of Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, including the Santa Teresa Labyrinth, as well as invitations into creative and reflective practices.

Participants may attend this day as a Qualifying Workshop towards Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator Training. Contact Sue for more information.

Cost: AU$150. Includes catered morning tea and lunch, resources, and use of the grounds and contemplative space in the beautiful environment of Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre.

Registration closes Saturday 1st June 2024. Please contact Sue Thomas for more information and how to register.

Presenter: Sue Thomas, Spiritual Director, Veriditas Faculty and Trainer. 

“The labyrinth belongs to no one and everyone” has been a grounding mantra in my work, as I walk labyrinths, draw labyrinths on beaches, work with peers in creating large portable calico labyrinths, and use the hand labyrinth for journaling and reflection in many facets of my life and life’s work.  

I live on the land of the Yugambeh language peoples, the traditional custodians of the Gold Coast region in South-East Queensland. My long association with using the labyrinth as a tool for contemplative, meditative and spiritual practices began many years ago when the labyrinth ‘found’ me in Year 11 at high school through an “Art and Architecture in History” subject. Using the labyrinth as a tool for contemplation and reflection in my previous role as Lay Pastoral Minister for Brisbane Catholic Archdiocese, my current work as Spiritual Director and retreat facilitator, and my personal spiritual practice has been grounded and enriched by connecting with Veriditas. I am a certified Veriditas Advanced Facilitator and Trainer, a member of Veriditas Faculty, and a member of the Australian Labyrinth Network.

101 H Street, Suite D, Petaluma, CA 94952   |   Phone 707-283-0373    |

Veriditas is dedicated to inspiring personal and planetary change and renewal through the labyrinth experience.

We accomplish our mission by training and supporting labyrinth facilitators around the world, and offering meaningful events that promote further understanding of the labyrinth as a tool for personal and community transformation. Our Vision is that the labyrinth experience guides us in developing the higher level of human awareness we need to thrive in the 21st century.

Veriditas is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations made are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. EIN 94-3229902

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