Designed for Veriditas trained Facilitators.
Consider your practice of facilitating as if you were a sculptor: What needs to be carved away? What are you modeling and molding these days? What needs to be strengthened by welding? What inspired image do you want your work to manifest? Join the Council—including our three Veriditas Faculty--to reflect on the inner and outer journeys of sculpting inspired themes in sacred spaces.
Download the program for the day here.

Council Biographical Sketches
Twylla Alexander
Conway, Arkansas and Portland, Maine
Twylla Alexander is an Advanced Veriditas-certified Labyrinth Facilitator and author of the book, Labyrinth Journeys ~ 50 States, 51 Stories. As part of her own personal journey, Twylla walked an outdoor labyrinth in every state in the U. S. and interviewed its creator – all women. She facilitates labyrinth walks and leads labyrinth retreats, providing the space and time for women to explore their own personal journeys. Her children’s book, The Power of Bread, is scheduled for publication in January, 2021. A retired speech-language pathologist and elementary school teacher, Twylla and her husband, Drew, have lived and worked on four continents. They currently divide their time between homes in Conway, Arkansas and Portland, Maine.
Paul Campbell
West Fargo, North Dakota
Paul completed facilitator training in 2005 and the advanced facilitator class in 2008. His passionate creativity for building labyrinth’s results from Robert Ferré’s master builder class. He has been using labyrinths to work with a wide variety of folks—from those with a business (MBA) background to current faith-based leadership training, for discernment and wandering journeys of spiritual growth. He often explores labyrinth use with addiction recovery groups.
Tina Christensen
Tasmania, Australia
Tina Christensen joins us from Tasmania having moved from Melbourne last year. She is the outgoing Chair of the Australian Labyrinth Network and initiator of the annual event - World Labyrinth Day in Schools. Tina is also a registered creative arts psychotherapist, speaker and SoulCollage® graduate. She is passionate about the ‘art of being’ and cultivating an ‘artisan’ life. We are excited to welcome her perspective and hope to facilitate more connections with the Labyrinth Community "down under."
Christine Favreau
Montgomery, Vermont
Christine is a human-resources professional with over twenty years of experience spanning varied industries. She is a Veriditas Advanced Certified Labyrinth Facilitator who loves to share time, space and experiences through wellness workshops, yoga classes, and other engaging community events. Consistent with her passion for HR and wellness practices, Christine has a long-held interest in helping others move their lives, careers, and organizations forward. She voluntarily serves as President for One Child at a Time, a non-profit organization working for the welfare and development of vulnerable and needy children, their families, and communities. Christine is curious and creative with a propensity to cognitively explore the world and all it has to offer.
Barrie Gibby
Rockford, Illinois
Barrie Carter Gibby works on that creative edge between the branches of words and movement expression. A long-time educator, community builder, avid traveler and labyrinth facilitator, Barrie entwines her background in design, music, theater production and ritual-making to facilitate workshops and pilgrimages across the nation on a variety of themes. She is especially fascinated by the parallels of Celtic and Native American cultures and their loving embrace of nature centered whole life. Her annual pilgrimage to the 13th c. Chartres Cathedral labyrinth, in Chartres, France, provokes inspired passion for her ongoing labyrinth work. As a Veriditas Advanced Certified Labyrinth facilitator, Barrie finds sacred spaces everywhere.
Betty Lopez-Towey
New York
It was at Silver Bay on Lake George that Betty was first introduced to the labyrinth. This profound experience led to a deepening interest which soon became a passion. She was trained as a labyrinth facilitator by Lauren Artress in 2001 and has helped to build the outdoor labyrinth at Silver Bay Conference Center on Lake George, has painted canvas labyrinths with various communities and has carried her own canvas labyrinth into New York City Schools, Colleges, Medical Schools, Churches and Synagogues. She has continued her study of the labyrinth with Lauren Artress at Chartres Cathedral, the site of the original eleven circuit labyrinth and is now an Advanced Labyrinth Facilitator and member of the Veriditas Faculty. After 20 years of teaching and out-of-the-classroom support roles, Betty was inspired to pursue an administrative position through her own experience on the labyrinth, which led to her starting a New York City Public School. As the principal and founder, an important part of building this new progressive public school was to support adults and children in mind, body and spirit by incorporating the labyrinth in its development. As a life-long seeker, Betty is a trained Spiritual Advisor and Reiki Master. She is both honored and excited to join the Veriditas Council in their mission to support labyrinth Facilitators around the world.
Marion Patterson
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Marion Patterson lives in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and completed her facilitator training and certification with Lauren Artress in 2013. She routinely hosts labyrinth walks, opening the experiences to varied groups; has facilitated the Circle process and small focus groups for different denominations; practices healing energy work (i.e. Reiki, healing touch spiritual ministry); and teaches adults at Kirkwood Community College. She and her husband, Rich, have a business called “Winding Pathways” that encourages people to transform their yards - from patio decks to acreages - into places of satisfying fun, food, and fascination. She welcomes all to learn more and connects facilitators with the Council.
Mary Ann Wamhoff
Recently of Santa Fe, New Mexico; originally from St. Louis, Missouri
After training with Lauren in Chartres, Mary Ann became a Certified Veriditas Facilitator in 2016. She has walked labyrinths since 1995, has studied with Caroline Myss, and is a Reiki Master. In 2020, Mary Ann completed Advanced Facilitator Training. Using her original poetry, she regularly facilitates public walks sponsored by the Labyrinth Resource Group of Santa Fe. Mary Ann recently spearheaded and helped build a 48-foot Chartres-style labyrinth. As a Council member, she hopes to support facilitators in listening to what people need, as well as allow her labyrinth work to bloom. Coming from a tradition that believes in the unseen, she has both felt and seen the labyrinth's amazing power!
Nathan Wiles
Montgomery, Vermont
Nathan Wiles is the founder of Innate Creations, an educating labyrinth building and design company. Nathan utilizes skill and experience from his former career as an Interior Designer and Project Manager to help create his labyrinth builds and workshops. Along with his 30 years of building and designing experience, he was trained by an established Feng Shui consultant and has practiced various meditation techniques. Now, with close to ten years of experience in both labyrinth designing and building, Nathan is able to join the collective consciousness of the individual or group to help develop their thought onto “canvas.” His passion is to bring a secular understanding to the mystery surrounding us in such a diverse world, while increasing the Labyrinth community through the education and collaboration with public schools, corporations and wellness facilities.