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The Search for Meaning in the Labyrinth of Life with Phil Cousineau hosted by the Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress

  • 29 May 2016
  • 4:00 PM
  • 02 Jun 2016
  • 10:00 PM
  • Chartres, France
  • 16


  • Price does not include airfare, transportation to or from Chartres, Accommodation, or meals.

Registration is closed

A Walking a Sacred Path Pilgrimage with renowned author of "The Art of Pilgrimage" Phil Cousineau

It is not just wandering, it’s not just a pilgrimage. It’s the search for meaning itself. Phil will take us on a journey to explore our own search for meaning. Besides being the author of 36 books, Phil is the host of the “Global Spirit” TV series, airing on PBS and national satellite channel Link TV. He will show clips from different Global Spirit programs, as well as from several of his other films, every day as the basis of a rich exploration of the meaning we create in our lives. 

Our time in this Veriditas Walking A Sacred Path Pilgrimage (hosted by Lauren Artress) starts with an opening reception on Sunday, followed by seminar time with Phil Monday through Thursday mornings. There is also time daily for small group break out sessions to process the experience with each other. Mid-day rest time is followed by tours of the Cathedral and the Crypt on two afternoons. The week includes a special evening ceremony in the crypt as well as private time with live medieval music in the Cathedral.

The week includes an orientation to the Chartres Labyrinth by Lauren Artress. Due to the current renovation of Cathedral, it is unclear if we will have access to the stone labyrinth this May.  The construction schedule shifts monthly so it could go either way. In any case, labyrinth walking will be included in the program. In addition, each guest will have unlimited access to labyrinth in the garden of Hotellerie St. Yves which was built by Veriditas in 2010.

Thursday includes an art altar project and a reception and celebratory dinner together.  Also, we are hoping to add additional special surprises, exploring the beauty of the Cathedral in new ways.  Plan to join us for this life changing and transformative experience.

PHIL COUSINEAU is a freelance writer, documentary filmmaker, independent scholar, worldwide lecturer, storyteller, and creativity consultant. His life-long fascination with the art, literature, and history of culture has taken him on many journeys around the world. He lectures frequently on a wide range of topics--from mythology, film, and writing, to beauty, travel, sports, and creativity. His thirty plus published works include several bestsellers, such as The Art of Pilgrimage, The Hero’s Journey: the Life and Work of Joseph Campbell, Stoking the Creative Fires, and Once and Future Myths. His most recent books include The Art of Travel Journal, The Oldest Story in the World, and Beyond Forgiveness: Reflections on Atonement and Reconciliation, which is now being used to help returning war veterans and prisoners, and Burning the Midnight Oil which was featured on NPR’s Weekend Edition.

Cousineau also has over twenty documentary film credits including The Hero’s Journey: The Life and Work of Joseph Campbell, Ecological Design, Wayfinders: A Pacific Odyssey, and Forever Activists: Stories from the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, which was nominated, in 1991, for an Academy Award.

Cousineau grew up just outside of Detroit, once known as the "Paris of the Midwest," where he moonlighted in a steel factory while studying journalism at the University of Detroit. He has been invited to lecture at distinguished venues such as the University of California, Berkeley; Stanford University; Syracuse University, Pacifica Graduate Institute; the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago, the American Film Institute, and the TEDx Conference, in San Jose.

Since 2009, Cousineau has been the host and cowriter of the much-acclaimed series "Global Spirit," which is currently running on PBS and is presented each week by John Cleese. The journalist Bill Moyers has written, "The discussions on the 'Global Spirit' series are sorely needed in this dispirited and disenchanted world. In many ways it is more important than journalism today." Cousineau is also a guest host on the legendary radio series “New Dimensions Radio,” which is broadcast on over 300 stations across the country.

He is a Fellow of the Joseph Campbell Foundation, a Board Member of Sacred Sites International, and a member of the Author’s Guild. He lives with his family on Telegraph Hill, in San Francisco.

June 3: Take advantage of local offerings including a possible Cathedral roof tour, quarry tour, etc. Addtitional fee. Watch for details to come.

Safety Concerns?

As you probably know, the U.S. government is continuing its Worldwide Caution with respect to foreign travel in general. France is not specifically mentioned in the latest update. On a separate website, the U.S. embassy in France notes that the French government is continuing its reinforced security measures. The State Department provides a program for concerned travelers to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency: see Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).

101 H Street, Suite D, Petaluma, CA 94952   |   Phone 707-283-0373    |

Veriditas is dedicated to inspiring personal and planetary change and renewal through the labyrinth experience.

We accomplish our mission by training and supporting labyrinth facilitators around the world, and offering meaningful events that promote further understanding of the labyrinth as a tool for personal and community transformation. Our Vision is that the labyrinth experience guides us in developing the higher level of human awareness we need to thrive in the 21st century.

Veriditas is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations made are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. EIN 94-3229902

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