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October 2015 

Third Legacy Labyrinth is Complete

We are excited to announce the third Legacy Labyrinth was completed and dedicated at the Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware, Ohio earlier this month. Kathleen Rhinesmith is an alumni of OWU and received the labyrinth as a gift from her family, allowing her to leave a legacy to her alma mater. For more about Legacy Labyrinths, please click here.

Welcome to our new Board Members

We are pleased to welcome two new Board Members: Norma Rees and Jo Ann Stevenson.

Norma Rees

Coming to the board with a background in teaching, leading environmental education programs and helping people enjoy their flying experiences as a flight attendant, Norma is excited to participate as a new Board member. She looks forward to sharing her “people skills” and grassroots fund raising experiences with other board members and the growing Veriditas community.

Jo Ann Stevenson

Jo Ann Stevenson is President and co-founder of the Labyrinth Community Network serving Ontario. The network formed 17 years ago to create a public labyrinth in downtown Toronto. Once achieved, the group continued, adding a website, an annual newsletter, annual retreats for labyrinth enthusiasts and facilitators and has hosted Veriditas facilitator training programs twice in 11 years. She begins her service on the Board in January 2016.

Donor Spotlight: Carrie Chevalier Mosher

by Rita Canning, Development Coordinator

Dragon Teeth Labyrinth, Maui

For October’s column I had the joy of interviewing one of Veriditas’ wonderful Board members – Carrie Chevalier Mosher. Carrie is a Certified Facilitator with Advanced Training, and a Sustaining Giver to Veriditas.

When did you first encounter the labyrinth?

That’s always such a great question. For me it came over time, beginning in the late ‘80’s. I started seeing patterns in books and cards and on event posters. Although I didn’t realize the pattern was usually the Chartres style labyrinth, it deeply touched me. As these things go, I noticed more labyrinths. I would pause for a moment before carrying on with my day leaving with an “ah ha” experience.

For a number of years, I was a leader at the Creative Problem Solving Institute in Buffalo, NY. Some participants used the labyrinth for dancing, singing and meditation throughout the week. I was really curious but apparently not yet time to walk. That was about to change.

I’m a Co-Active personal life coach and 1990 I participated in a yearlong residential leadership development program in Marin County, California. Each morning 30 of us walked a labyrinth in a dewy open field. Personally and professionally, it became a powerful springboard for the day. Shortly thereafter I met Lauren and was formally introduced to the labyrinth.

When did you first get involved with Lauren and Veriditas?

Once again the labyrinth called me. Searching for my next life chapter, I came across an article about Lauren and the pilgrimage at Grace Cathedral. That was July, 2008. That very day I registered for the pilgrimage and facilitator training. I knew that this was the time and I was ready. I answered the call and have been hanging around ever since.

Grace Cathedral was the first time I walked the labyrinth with intention. The feeling was and still is indescribable. I entered a realm of awareness that I hadn’t known before. I can still see myself there and feel that feeling. This ushered in the next chapter of my life journey. I went home and signed up for the September Chartres Cycles 1 and 2. I return to Chartres most years since 2008.

Would you share an experience, story or some insights?

About 3 years ago, Patrick and I were in Maui and walked the Dragon’s Teeth Labyrinth. It’s a stunning labyrinth on a cliff overlooking the ocean. I had this deep felt experience of being open and free. The day was sunny and windy with the ocean crashing against the cliffs. I stretched open my arms in gratitude and my spirit soared. With the ocean below and the blue skies above, I was grounded in mother earth.

Is there anything you’d like to share about being a Veriditas Board Member?

Early on I asked Dawn what I could do to help. Sometime later she asked if I’d consider being a Board member. I thought about it for almost a year before I said yes. I’m so honored to have been able to serve on the Board over the last four years. 

Twice a year the Board meets in person, often at the IONS campus in Petaluma, California where the Veriditas office is located. Each day we walk the Deer Heart labyrinth. This combination of full agendas balanced with reflective and grounding energy of the labyrinth is a blessing. It’s the energies of masculine and feminine coming together to clarify our purpose, explore possible avenues of income, create new offerings and hone our existing programs. 

An extraordinary experience arose when Board members and significant others were given the unforgettable opportunity to travel to La Falda, Argentina. Mission: to help build the first Legacy Labyrinth dedicated to the healing of the area.  La Falda is a place that many German Jews fled during WWII. Post WWII I it became the destination of many Nazis hoping to avoid prosecution. In the course of the week, several of us had felt a sense that the labyrinth was being unearthed more than it was being built by our hands. A humble and powerful reminder that we are in service of the labyrinth.

Why do you donate to Veriditas?

Whatever Patrick and I support financially must be educational. We believe that learning happens in a variety of ways and each of us has our unique path. By its very nature, the Labyrinth is a personal experience. The result is often deep learning and guidance. Another criterion is that the organization exists to do good for the greatest number. Through its world-wide programs, events, spiritual adventures and networks, Veriditas offers people the experience of the labyrinth, a community of like-minded seekers and the opportunity to grow and explore spiritually and creatively.  

 “Veriditas is dedicated to inspiring personal and planetary change and renewal through the labyrinth experience.” This demands enormous energy, passion, commitment as well and substantial financial resources. That’s why we donate to Veriditas. 

Veriditas Holiday Store Now Open!

This year in lieu of our Annual Auction, we are offering a holiday store where you can purchase labyrinth items for the holiday season. Remember profits go to support Veriditas. 

(PS. there is a rumor that Shanti Chimes may be available on the Holiday Store next week.)

Visit iSpiritual.                                      Shop on Amazon?

Don't forget Labyrinth items are also available from our product partner, iSpiritual. Click on their logo to shop their store.

Did you know that if you shop through Amazon Smile, Amazon donates a percentage of each purchase you make to Veriditas at no cost to you? Simply click the link in the banner below to access our Smile.

Global Healing Response

The Global Healing Response, founded in 2005 by Council member Ellen Bintz Meuch, offers an annual theme and quarterly ideas and information to enrich labyrinth walks.

The GHR theme for 2015 is Restoration “All the beauty that’s been lost before wants to find us again” ― U2. The focus for this quarter is Rejoice. Quote: “Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars.”―Henry van Dyke

Little Miracles on the Path

We are excited to announce a special Anniversary Offering: A booklet of 20 Labyrinth Stories Celebrating 20 Years of Veriditas, compiled & edited by Linda Mikell. Booklet design by Anne Bull.

Booklets are now available online for
$10 each plus shipping.
Proceeds benefit the Veriditas scholarship fund.

101 H Street, Suite D, Petaluma, CA 94952   |   Phone 707-283-0373    |

Veriditas is dedicated to inspiring personal and planetary change and renewal through the labyrinth experience.

We accomplish our mission by training and supporting labyrinth facilitators around the world, and offering meaningful events that promote further understanding of the labyrinth as a tool for personal and community transformation. Our Vision is that the labyrinth experience guides us in developing the higher level of human awareness we need to thrive in the 21st century.

Veriditas is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations made are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. EIN 94-3229902

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