Veriditas is a 501c3 non profit incorporated in the State of California in 1995 by Lauren Artress. The word "Veriditas" originated with Hildegard of Bingen and means "the greening power of life".
Our Mission: Veriditas is dedicated to inspiring transformation and renewal through the labyrinth experience. We accomplish our mission by training and supporting labyrinth facilitators around the world, and offering meaningful events that promote further understanding of the labyrinth as a contemplative practice for personal and community transformation.
Our Vision: In our vision, the labyrinth is a symbol of wholeness, a contemplative path of peace and the foundation of a practice that calls diverse populations to walk together as one. Through the labyrinth, we can develop the higher level of human and spiritual awareness we need to effect personal and planetary change.
Our Values: We carry out our work in accordance with the following values:
Our participants report that the labyrinth:
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